Friday, May 29, 2009

Beirut2Cairo, Why?

When I was fresh out of college, the first time (BA Social Sciences, UCSB 1973) , I went to work for NBC television in beautiful downtown Burbank (Cultural reference: the location of the studios in which 1968, Rowen and Martin’s Laugh-In show was taped)

I loved working in TV, and New York was the heart of the industry, so I loved all things New York. So much so, in hindsight, I married my first husband to move there.

Now, as another new graduate (SJSU MFA 2009) and a facilitator for Soliya Connect ( I love many things Middle Eastern, so when the opportunity to participate in the Beirut Exchange came my way, I jumped at it. Traveling all that way, I couldn’t miss visiting my friends in Egypt, so I convinced Jim to join me in Cairo, and an adventure was born.

I will use this blog as a discipline to chronicle the journey to Beirut, Cairo and Luxor this spring/summer. Stay tuned…